
Please review the ideas below, and do your very best to uphold the long and proud tradition of Troop 49.

  • In many cases, it is preferable to contact the merit badge counselor BEFORE you start any work. Counselors know the landmines associated with a badge, and can steer you clear.
  • Read the book!
  • Ensure the work for the badge is 100% complete if you have told your Merit Badge Counselor you are done with requirements.
  • Wear your Class A to the session unless the counselor tells you otherwise.
  • Bring your best game and be ready to answer questions and discuss the subject matter with the counselor, not simply read prepared material if you have it.
  • Read the book!
  • Do not wait until the published deadline for COH to arrange a review with your counselor. Your counselor may not be available. He or she is a volunteer and not there to compensate for your lack of planning.
  • Bring your Blue Card complete with name of badge and all of your information completed ahead of time. Be respectful of the counselor’s time.
  • If there is a requirement that says “… prepare …” something, interpret that as bring something that demonstrates that you did it. If you were to prepare a menu or a roster or a gear list for example, show up with it written or typed on a sheet of paper. If it’s a menu, you could bring the stained and crumpled copy you used on the trip to prepare the meal!  Don’t reference notes on your phone for a menu, for example. The purpose of a creating a menu is to use it on the trip so everyone knows what the meal is, so those helping you know what to prepare, and to ensure you’ve used all of the food  you brought.  A menu on your phone created for the counselor’s benefit doesn’t do anyone any good.  If the requirement says “using a map and compass”, bring them with you.
  • Read the book!
  • YOU need to manage your Blue Cards and the process, NOT your parents.
  • Eagle Merit Badges are a critical part of your advancement process and represent key material you should have mastered. Be prepared to spend at least hour with the counselor for an Eagle merit badge.
  • Read the book!
  • Do not wait until the last minute. It’s not the counselor’s fault or concern that you turn 18 in two days, or that the Court of Honor cut-off is tomorrow.
  • When in doubt, pick up the phone and call the counselor.
  • It is not appropriate to schedule a merit badge session with a counselor during a scout meeting. It is distracting to other scouts and disrespectful to people who have given their time to plan and execute a meeting. Before or after is great.  During is not OK.
  • Arrive early. You should be at the meeting point at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.
  • In these sessions, you represent Troop 49, in addition to yourself, and need to be well prepared, articulate and in full Class A uniform. Leave them thinking “wow, those boys from 49 really know their stuff”.

Yours in Scouting,

Mr. Burns
March, 2019